Clients often ask how often they should get a massage. Once a month is good, but two or more is even better! No matter how frequent you come, make the most of your time here with us by experiencing all we have to offer. From our private yoga room, members lounge, self-serve tea bar and even a room to take a nap- you're sure to leave here more relaxed than you've felt in months, or even years.
By signing up for a membership, you're not only making a commitment to taking care of you but you're helping us by committing to self-care more often!
Here's how it works:
We have two membership options, Annual or Quarterly.
For$20 a month, Annual membership gets you as many massage, pedicures, manicures at member pricing. Being a member allows you to save on body work at an average of $10-15 or more per session.
Quarterly membership is $25 a month for 3 months. This option does not auto-renew. If you'd like to continue, you can sign up again online. This option is only good for one person but you can buy gift cards at your member pricing to give the gift of massage any time you'd like!
You'll be given access to our members area where you can book your services at your member rate. You can also keep track of all your current and future appointments as well as be notified of our members first services + specials.
We don't have access to your info, it's securely stored with our payment processing service.
We appreciate your continued support. We value all of our clients and are beyond thankful to have so many amazing relationships and hope to continue to stay open to keep you relaxed, pain free and to keep offering new and helpful ways to rejuvenate.
Have any other questions?- Please ask as our memberships are non-refundable!
Feel free to call or text us at 915-400-RUBY!